This is a FREE event!
In this workshop will use familiar yoga asanas (postures) in a dynamic movement style (vinyasa) with the goal of regaining focus and control of your own body. We will go over what "listening to your body" really means and how you can improve your wellness and fitness routines with some simple cues and instruction.
Introducing (or re-introducing) several yoga postures in a dynamic flow
Integrate foundational cueing that reinforces proper posture and alignment
Gain understanding of what areas may be restricting your range of motion, and how to find ease into those positions
Practicing balance and stability in a variety of accessible ways
How to apply the "core" and how it is applied to stationary and dynamic positions
To help you feel good or feel better!
A mat or rug: a yoga mat or anything about the size of a typical yoga mat which is about 68”x24”inches
Space: approx 6’ft of space in any direction
Yoga Blocks: 1 or 2 are recommended; typically they are 4”x6”x9” in size; Target, TJMaxx, Ross…etc. Typically sell them for less than $10 for a set
Yoga strap: can use a belt or anything to help you with stretching positions
Knee pad: can double up your mat, or a gardening knee pad should only be about $6-8 and works well
36” foam roller for standing balance postures
What to Expect
The movement part of the class itself can vary from 60-75 minutes depending on the needs of the individual participants at the time of the event.
We will start with floor based positions and movements and “warm up”.
Next, we’ll set the foundation of the major upright postures, build into a more specific combination of postures, and build once more to a more dynamic flow.
We will wind down with a different set of floor based postures. This segment will focus more on restorative postures.

A Note from Samantha
Disclaimer and Instructor Background
I have been practicing since at least 2005, but I am not a certified yoga instructor.
I have been searching for a Yoga Teacher Training that fits my goals and values, but in such a saturated industry (and the fact that yoga has become an industry to begin with), quality training with an ethical approach is much more challenging to find.
With that being said, I am instructing this class from a Fitness Professional perspective. I will be using familiar yoga postures that you may see in almost any Vinyasa Yoga Class, and helping you find more accessible and comfortable (pain-free) ways to help prevent injury and get the most of the postures and transitions. Out of the eight limbs that collectively make up what Yoga is, I will be emphasizing more on the physicality part, the asanas, as well as some mindful breathing practices, pranayama. There will be hints of the other limbs in the way that I instruct, but I will not be teaching the philosophy of yoga. Therefore, I will not be incorporating any sanskrit, chants, or Om’s in this class aside from Savasana at the end of class.
I have studied kinesiology and the relationship between muscle, joints, fascia, and the neuromuscular connection which I believe is necessary for any professional instructing any physical movement session or class in any modality.
Finally, my goal for any of my teaching/training/coaching, is ultimately to help each of you in any of the ways I am familiar and able to.